A ranking of world cities by sustainability
as assessed by citizens from all over the world

Complete our surveys and help raise awareness about sustainability in cities.

Read our manifesto

154 cities

to rate their sustainability

55 countries

available on the platform

12 topics

in our survey questions


  • Urbanism

    Safety and adatability to human life

  • Walkability

    How easy and safe it is to walk in the city

  • Electric cars

    Infraestructure and use of electric cars

  • Biking & electric scooters

    Infraestructure and use of bikes and electric scooters

  • Pollution

    Air, sound & light pollution

  • Animal welfare

    Well-being and exploitation of animals

  • Sustainable food

    Shops, agriculture and sustainable food

  • Public transport

    Use and availability of public transport in the city

  • Public awareness

    Knowledge of citizens about environmentalism and sustainability

  • Renewable energy

    Use of clean and renewable energies

  • Green areas

    Parks, gardens, agricultural plots and other green areas

  • Waste management

    Cleaniness, recycling and waste

Available countries